7 Av
Sasha Edge came over today to resume filming on her documentary about R' Haviva Ner-David, Danya Ruttenberg & me. It was great fun. Sasha's very cool. I'm not very eloquent in person, one of the reasons why I have a blog, so hopefully I won't come off as a total jerk in this movie. If I do, I'm sure it'll be all my own fault :)
After she interviewed me, she taped me writing. I explained on camera about Amaleyq (which is a fave theme of mine: I write about it here & speak some about it in this doc).
I cut a quill for her & then demonstrated how to test the quill before using it for any holy purpose: you test your nib (which any professional calligrapher would do anyway) by writing the name "Amaleyq" & then obliterating it. I write here that one crosses the name out with one horizontal stroke, however since then I have adopted the tradition that R' Dr Eric Ray, z"l, taught of: crossing the name out 3 times on an acute diagonal.
"The Good, The Bad & The MacIntosh" ;)
That would be my Amaleyq scrap on top of my Pismo...
The above scrap of parchment will be ceremonially burned, complete with blessings, on the Eve of Tisha Be-Av (Wednesday). May this name & all its related behaviours be blotted out & erased & removed & destroyed from the souls of all people, Ameyn.
Later, I facilitated my first ever class at Pardes! YAY!
I had a lot more students than had signed up, but still a small enough group so I could easily come around & help anyone who needed with their lettering. Thank G@D!
The first day is always a bit jerky, what with folks getting used to using the tools & writing on klaf, plus there's an enormous amount of information exchange in the beginning, but we all went through 4 letters or so, discussed some sofrut, Kabbalah, practical applications, etc & even got to some Midrash. They were very god sports. I hope I see them all & their shiny, eager faces at the next class!
As I promised on the sign-up sheet, I gave each student a gall nut. When I explained what gall nuts were, they said "Ew", & left them on the tables. Oh well, all the more for me :)
Technorati tags: religion, religion and philosophy, Judaism, Jew, Jews, Jewish, Torah, Canada, Canadian, journal, weblog, blog, diary, soferet, sofrut, safrut, scribe, art, thoughts, stam, feminism, ritual, women, woman, life, sofer, film, movie, entertainment, Israel, Jerusalem, news, politics, Mac, Apple, Kabbalah, Technorati.