As of today I have completed my training in how to write Sifrei Torah. Tomorrow night, after breaking the fast, my sofer will give me my paper stating so. G@d is great.
My credentials will be as follows:
A soferet certified to write Sifrei Torah by an Orthodox Ashkenazi sofer ST"M of 26 years who was trained & certified in Me'a She'arim & Ge'ulah. A mentor who has gradually midwifed me through this process since the mid-90's. He wishes to remain anonymous for now. He also requested that I not publish the name of his mentor on this blog.
Further mentored in the Kabbalah of the Hebrew letters by Rabbi Dov Laimon, a Bostoner Chasid & sofer ST"M.
I cannot express how grateful I am to G@d, nor how petrified I feel at this heavy responsibility. May awe & humility guide me.
...orach yamim...
[Addendum: under the careful supervision of both my sofrim I have learned out of the following standard sofrut texts: Liqutey Sifrei STaM which includes Qeset Ha-Sofer, Lishkat Ha-Sofer, Qol Sofrim, Shoneh Halakhot, etc; Mishnat Sofrim, Mishnah Berurah, Masekhet Sofrim. Under their tutelage I formed my letters, cut my quill & scored my parchment, B"H.]
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