Rabbi Shai Held wrote the following prayer to use for last Shabbat, but I think no time is like the present:
Avinu SheBaShamayim, Adon Kol HaMa'asim, Ribon Kol HaOlamim, Rachem Al
Kol Eleh HaSovlim Min HaMayim HaGo'ashim VeHeGalim HaRo'ashim. Chamol
al Ma'asekha-- Habitah Hashem, URe'eh Tzaratam; Ha'azinah, Elohim,
UShema Tza'akatam. Chazek et Yedei HaMatzilim, Nachem at Ha-Aveilim,
Refa Na LaPetzuim. Chonenu Binah VeHaskel Leida et Chovoteinu,
uFetach et Libeinu LeMa'an Noshit Yad el HaNidka'im. Barkhenu Eloheinu
VeNelekh BeDarkekha, Rachmanin Benei Rachmanim. Tein Banu Ometz
VeChochmah Lema'an Nimna Ason VaMavet; Mena Mageifah BeOlamekha,
VeKayyem Ma'amerecha: "VeLo Yihyeh Mabul Od LeShachet et HaAretz."
Amen, Ken Yehi Ratzon.
Our Father in Heaven, Ruler of Creation, Master of the world: Have
mercy on all those who are suffering from the raging waters and the
storming waves. Have compassion on Your creatures-- Look, O Lord, and
see their predicament; Listen, God, and hear their cries. Strengthen
the hands of those who would bring relief, comfort the mourners; heal,
please, the wounded. Grant us wisdom and discernment to know our
obligations, and open our hearts so that we may extend our hands to
the devastated. Bless us, our God, that we may walk in Your ways, and
be "compassionate ones, children of compassionate ones." Grant us the
will and the wisdom to prevent disaster and death; prevent plague from
descending upon your earth, and fulfill your words, "Never again shall
there be another flood to destroy the earth." Amen. So may it be your
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