Netivat Sofrut: diary of a Soferet

Adventures of a female sofer learning to heal the world by doing Holy Work...writing a Sefer Torah

נחזיר את השכינה למקומה בצייון ובתבל כלה

"Let us restore the Divine In-Dwelling to Her Place in Zion & infuse Her spirit throughout the whole inhabited world."

So wherever we are, let us bring the Peace of G@d's Presence.

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Location: Vancouver/London, British Columbia/UK, Canada

SCRIBAL EVANGELIST As the only living certified Soferet (סופרת - female Jewish ritual scribe) & the first woman to practice sofrut (creation of sacred Hebrew texts) in over 200 years, I feel an obligation to blog about my experiences of The Work. I am also currently researching the foundation of a lost tradtion of women practicing this holy craft. For more on the services I provide, please see; Sofrut Nation. I am now available to engage with students, male or female, wishing to enter into the preliminary stage of learning sofrut. You are welcome to join me on this path. "Tzedeq, tzedeq tir'dof - Justice, justice you shall pursue." Devarim/Deuteronomy 16:20.

Saturday, November 12, 2005



11 Cheshvan

The American national debut of Soferet: a Special Scribe airs November 13th on The World of Faith & Values, F&VTV.

I hope you all enjoy it.

Shavu'ah tov - a good week!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love see it but don't have TV. Would they ever put it up on their website for downloading?


12:52 a.m.  
Blogger Regina said...

I found a little article about this and posted it on my blog- yes, congratulations. I admire you so much for doing such holy and abiding work. Thanks for a wonderful website as well- I learn so much every time I visit.

6:47 a.m.  
Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Someone directed me to your blog.

I am female, going through a very difficult time now with a child in the hospital, and find much comfort in the Talmud. I am studying the Talmud as well now, to give me some peace. Somehow, those laws, legands, and legal codes are like a magic wand, and take the mind off one's troubles.

8:28 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May it bring you work!

6:11 a.m.  

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