Last night's celebration of my birth looked like this:
My deep gratitude goes to the Lev family for their very kind & loving treatment of me :)
This morning I slept in for the first time in months. Between teaching in Israel during a war, my mother's various health concerns, trying to catch up on different sofrut projects, & racing around North America trying to kasher as many Sifrei Torah as possible before the Days of Awe, my days have been over-filled.
Then I got my first-ever acupuncture treatment. It definitely shifted me to a better space. G@d is great.
On my way to the train, I got to hang out with Jack Thompson, Super rock-god of the parchment & ink conservation world. I've been learning from his articles for years & our mutual friend Yehuda Miklaf, Super rock-god of the bookbinding & restoration world, encouraged me to get together with Jack. He came by P'nai Or when I was repairing their Sefer Torah & gave it a once-over. I was so appreciative! & really felt priviledged that he would come check out my work. I mean to say, this man is so widely & well respected that they actually invited him to work on the Dead Sea Scrolls!
Jack & I nerded out in his consevation lab with all sorts of ink & skins & tools. I adore him & his calm, methodical, fatherly approach to repair. There's so much I could learn & I'm looking forward to some kind of apprenticeship with him. G@d (& Jack) willing.
You may think that I'm name-dropping here, but I'm not.
You want an example of name-dropping? Bob Dylan's mom's rabbi is being honoured with a library in his name - while he's still alive & active, yet - & Dylan is buying the set of Talmud to be dedicated to his mom's rabbi in this library. I've been asked to design the bookplate.
That is name-dropping ;)
Technorati tags: religion, religion and philosophy, Judaism, Jew, Jews, Jewish, Torah, Canada, Canadian, journal, weblog, blog, diary, soferet, sofrut, safrut, scribe, art, thoughts, stam, feminism, ritual, women, woman, life, sofer, Technorati.
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