2 Sh'vat
"Be careful not to confuse beauty with perfection"
- Rabbi Dr Louis Sutker, commenting on my anguish over the imperfect letters I had just written as he cooked dinner tonight for his wife Charlotte & me.
He made an excellent point. He reminded me that the whole point of writing the word of G@d is to read it & learn from it. That it didn't have to be physically faultless to be employed & enjoyed. We could take a lesson from that in so many facets of our lives. As I considered the broad application of his words, thoughts ran through my head such as "forest, not trees!" & "soul, not body!" so as to not get caught up in the details, as I am want to do, to the point of losing sight of the Big Picture sometimes.
What a relief that G@d is in charge of both...
As I pondered all this, I fiddled with my wedding band, now worn on my right index finger where Joel originally placed it under our candle-lit chupah, as I have lost 30 pounds & it no longer stays on my left ring finger.
There are so many things we would have to courage to do if we weren't so afraid of being imperfect. But that is exactly what we are - perfectly imperfect. & there is truth & beauty in that holy creation.
We can each tell our own tale of the wholeness of a broken heart.