15 Elul
The subject of avoda zara (idol worship) has been occupying my consciousness more heavily than usual lately, so here is more on that: Leviticus Rabbah 22:6 states:
"R' Pinchas in the name of R' Levi: A simile to a prince whose heart [reason] has forsaken him and who was used to eating carcasses and forbidden meat. Said the king, let these dishes be always on my table, and of himsef he will get weaned. So also, since since Israel was eagerly attached to idolatry and its sacrifices in Egypt...G@d said: Let them always bring their sacrifices before Me in the tabernacle and thus they will detach themselves from idolatry and be saved."
So...we are above this behaviour - we can do better & therefore must , for the sake of our souls & for the whole world. Also, G@d will tolerate certain intolerable activities on a temporary basis in order to, looking long term, help His people closer to Him. Like getting your heroine addict onto methadone as a step toward getting clean.
The stream of Judaism you ascribe to? Is it a brand-name that dictates what socio-political-religious line you tow, or does it best guide you toward what G@d expects of you in your life, as you understand it?
Idolatry can be defined as: treating the non-ultimate as though it were the ultimate.
What is the ultimate in your life - your desires or G@d's path for you? Mitzvah Meyuchedet!
The Ishbitzer writes about this. He says (I'm paraphrasing) what is the strength of Levi? Levi didn't always play it safe. He exhibited a willingness to place himself in safeyq (doubt). Levi's strength is to stand at the edge. G@d requires something unique from each person He embodies. So when you're too afraid to follow your derekh, think of Levi. Creation needs the quality of Levi to live within each of us.
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